String variables

published: 2 December 2020 / updated 2 December 2020

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I've been working on the LoRa transmission for a few weeks now. At each phase of development emerges a new problem to which a solution must be found.

Create a text variable

Here is the first definition test for the word string:

\ define a strvar
: string  ( comp: n --- names_strvar | exec: --- addr len )
        c,      \ n is maxlength
        0 c,    \ 0 is real length
        2 +
        dup 1 - c@

We define a string variable like this:

16 string strState

Here is how the memory space reserved for this text variable is organized:

Assigning a text to a text variable

The word $! is defined as follows:

\ store str into strvar
: $!  ( addr1 len1 addrvar lenvar ---)
    dup 2- c@       \ get maxlength of strvar
    rot min         \ keep min length
    2dup swap 1- c! \ store real length
    cmove           \ copy string


: myText  ( --- addr len)
    s" this is an example text"
myText strState $!
strState type   \ display: this is an examp

We intentionally tried to store a starting content "this is an example text" longer than the maximum size of the strState string variable.

ATTENTION: the word $! is preceded:

Any other combination can cause serious malfunctions!

The trouble with defining a text string with our definition of string is that the structure of our string is written in memory ram, it is not persistent when we restart FlashForth.

Definition of stable text variables

The first way to define a persistent string is to define it in eeprom memory:

16 string strState

This is the simplest solution. But the memory space in eeprom is very small and should be used exclusively to store persistent settings.

This new definition of string is much more daring:

\ define a strvar
: string  ( comp: n --- names_strvar | exec: --- addr len )
        dup ic,         \ n
        ram here i,     \ n
        0 c,     0 c,   \ n
        dup             \ addrf addrf
        c@              \ addrf maxlen
        over            \ addrf maxlen addrf
        1+              \ addrf maxlen addrf+1
        @               \ addrf maxlen addrm
        c!              \ addrf
        1+              \ addrf+1
        @               \ addrm
        2 +             \ addrm+2
        dup             \ addrm+2 addrm+2
        1-              \ addrm+2 addrm+1
        c@              \ addrm+2 currlen

The whole trick is to store in flash memory the maximum length of the text variable and the ram address of the contents of this text variable. This is what is done between flash and does>.

The sequence ram here i, stores in flash memory the starting address in ram of the text variable

The execution of a text variable replicates the byte containing the length each time maximum of the text variable. This guarantees the correct functioning of the word $! on the content of the text variable which will always be stored in ram memory.

The full listing is available here:
STRINGS management for FlashForth

Happy programming!