LED on and off by interruption

published: 24 May 2020 / updated 15 November 2020

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For the computer programmer who has very little knowledge of the mechanisms intimate microcontrollers, the concept of interruption is undoubtedly very forbidding.

To illustrate what an interruption is, take the case of a person sitting in front of his TV. This person is watching an exciting match, but is waiting for a package:

The spectator without interruption is obliged to share his attention between the match that he tries to watch and monitor the postman's passage to the window.

The spectator with interruption remains quietly in his wheelchair and savor his match. Besides, the postman did not pass and he did not have to get up during all the match...

External Interrupt

Interrupts are signals provided to the CPU of the microcontroller unit, either from internal peripheral modules or from external pins of the MCU. It alters the regular flow of the program execution by enabling the CPU to make a jump to execute instruction routines in some pre-defined location based on the interrupt that occurred. When the CPU completes the routine, it gets back to the location from where it had made a jump.

These pre-defined locations are called as the interrupt vector addresses or interrupt vectors. An interrupt causes the device to save its state of execution and start executing the interrupt handler. For Atmel AVR Microcontrollers the PC register is the only register that will be saved and the stack pointer register is updated in the event of an interrupt. It is up to the user to save other registers like the status register, 32 general purpose registers (register file), on an event of an interrupt, if there is such a requirement in the application.

The interrupts are commonly used to save more time (such as multitasking) than the conventional polling method (waiting for the event to occur indefinitely).

INT0 and INT1 interrupts

On all Arduino boards, there are two particularly interesting interrupts: INT0 and INT1. On some boards, like the Arduino MEGA board, there are INT2, INT3, INT4 and INT5 traps.

We will focus on the only INT0 and INT1 interrupts which are common to all Arduino boards.

Voici les adresses mémoire des interruptions INT0 et INT1:

Vector no. Program
Source Port pins Interrupt definitions
2 $002 INT0 D2 External Interrupt Request 0
3 $004 INT1 D3 External Interrupt Request 1

Steps to configure the Interrupts:

The INT0 and INT1 interrupts have the particularity of being triggered in four modes:

The mode selection is made through the EICRA register:


For the interruption INT0, you must act on the bits ISC00 and ISC01:

ISC01 ISC00 Mode

Practical use of the INT0 interrupt

The idea for this article begins with a video posted by 0033mer on Youtube:

In this video, an LED is turned on or off by pressing a button. This button is managed through an interrupt.

The video only shows part of the code used. The following code has been designed from scratch and has nothing to do with the one featured in this video. But he fulfills the same purpose.

Here is the diagram for mounting an LED and the push button:

LED management

The LED management code is an improved variant. This code is strongly factored. Factoring breaks down each portion of code into units functional identified by words that are simple to understand. This makes the much more readable code.

The words defPIN: high low output input and pin@ are described in the article Definition and management of PORT connections

37 constant PORTB	\ Port B Data Register 
\ 36 constant DDRB	\ Port B Data Direction Register 
\ 35 constant PINB	\ Port B Input Pins 
43 constant PORTD	\ Port D Data Register 
\ 42 constant DDRD	\ Port D Data Direction Register 
\ 41 constant PIND	\ Port D Input Pins 
\ PB5 on Arduino NANO 
PORTB %00100000 defPIN: LED 
\ PB7 on Arduino MEGA 
\ PORTB %10000000 defPIN: LED 
: init.ports ( ---) 
    LED output    \ set PB5 for output 

The management of the switching on or off of the LED remains trivial:

: LED.on ( ---) 
    LED high ; 
: LED.off ( ---) 
    LED low ; 
: LED.toggle ( ---) 
    LED pin@ 
    if      LED low 
    else    LED high 
    then ; 

At this point, it is already possible to test if the LED is well wired and functional:

Push button management

\ PD2 on Arduino NANO 
PORTD %00000100 defPIN: BUTTON 
\ PD0 on Arduino MEGA 
\ PORTD %00000001 defPIN: BUTTON 

The following code is not essential for handling the interrupt LED. However, it allows you to check that the push button is working properly:

: button? ( --- fl) 
    BUTTON pin@   \ test if button is pressed 
    \ true  = button pressed 
    \ false = button released 
: button.action ( ---) 

The word button? stacks a true Boolean flag if the push button is pressed, false if the push button is not pressed In the terminal:

Interrupt setting

$69 constant EICRA	\ External Interrupt Control Register A 
$3d constant EIMSK	\ External Interrupt Mask Register 
$0002 constant INT0Addr \ interrupt addr for INT0 
: init.interrupt ( ---) 
    %00000011 EICRA mset    \ interrupt on rising edge 
    %00000001 EIMSK mset    \ activate INT0 

We define the two registers EICRA and EIMSK. Then we define the address of the INT0 interrupt via the constant INT0Addr.

The word init.interrupt initializes how the interrupt INT0 should work:

: tempo ( ---) 
   3000 for next ; \ adjust the value 3000 if necessary 
: int-action ( ---) 
    di  \ disable interrupt 
    ei  \ ei = Enable Interrupt 
: int-enable ( ---) 
    ['] int-action INT0Addr int! 
    ei  \ ei = Enable Interrupt 

The word tempo is used as a timer because you cannot use ms in an interruption. This time delay must be adjusted if parasitic actions occur. These parasitic actions are caused by the rebounds of the switch of the pushbutton.

The word int-action is the one that will be executed by the interrupt INT0. Its operation is very simple: we deactivate the interrupts (word di), we delay, switch the state of the LED, then reactivate the interruptions (word ei).

The word int-enable will validate the interruption by putting the address execution of the word int-action in the interrupt vector of INT0. Interrupts are immediately activated.

From this moment, if the push button is pressed, the LED lights up if it was off, or goes out if it was on.


Interrupt management eliminates the need for a loop. In our program, we simply manage toggling the state of an LED.

If you use this button in the traffic light management program, to simulate a passage pedestrian, you can toggle the state of a logical flag. The main loop will test if the flag is active and blocking the lights in favor of a pedestrian crossing.

Mastering interruptions considerably simplifies programming on ARDUINO, in particular to manage transient signals of any kind, but also various internal counters through internal interruptions.