AVR processor registers for Arduino

published: 21 April 2020 / updated 2 October 2020

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Data Ports

Each port is controlled by three registers, which are also defined variables in the arduino language. The DDR register, determines whether the pin is an INPUT or OUTPUT. The PORT register controls whether the pin is HIGH or LOW, and the PIN register reads the state of INPUT pins set to input.

DDR and PORT registers may be both written to, and read. PIN registers correspond to the state of inputs and may only be read.

All ARDUINO cards

37 constant PORTB	\ Port B Data Register 
36 constant DDRB	\ Port B Data Direction Register 
35 constant PINB	\ Port B Input Pins 
40 constant PORTC	\ Port C Data Register 
39 constant DDRC	\ Port C Data Direction Register 
38 constant PINC	\ Port C Input Pins 
43 constant PORTD	\ Port D Data Register 
42 constant DDRD	\ Port D Data Direction Register 
41 constant PIND	\ Port D Input Pins 

ARDUINO MEGA 2560 cards

34 constant PORTA	\ Port A Data Register 
33 constant DDRA	\ Port A Data Direction Register 
32 constant PINA	\ Port A Input Pins 
37 constant PORTB	\ Port B Data Register 
36 constant DDRB	\ Port B Data Direction Register 
35 constant PINB	\ Port B Input Pins 
40 constant PORTC	\ Port C Data Register 
39 constant DDRC	\ Port C Data Direction Register 
38 constant PINC	\ Port C Input Pins 
43 constant PORTD	\ Port D Data Register 
42 constant DDRD	\ Port D Data Direction Register 
41 constant PIND	\ Port D Input Pins 
46 constant PORTE	\ Data Register, Port E 
45 constant DDRE	\ Data Direction Register, Port E 
44 constant PINE	\ Input Pins, Port E 
49 constant PORTF	\ Data Register, Port F 
48 constant DDRF	\ Data Direction Register, Port F 
47 constant PINF	\ Input Pins, Port F 
52 constant PORTG	\ Data Register, Port G 
51 constant DDRG	\ Data Direction Register, Port G 
50 constant PING	\ Input Pins, Port G 
258 constant PORTH	\ PORT H Data Register 
257 constant DDRH	\ PORT H Data Direction Register 
256 constant PINH	\ PORT H Input Pins 
261 constant PORTJ	\ PORT J Data Register 
260 constant DDRJ	\ PORT J Data Direction Register 
259 constant PINJ	\ PORT J Input Pins 
264 constant PORTK	\ PORT K Data Register 
263 constant DDRK	\ PORT K Data Direction Register 
262 constant PINK	\ PORT K Input Pins 
267 constant PORTL	\ PORT L Data Register 
266 constant DDRL	\ PORT L Data Direction Register 
265 constant PINL	\ PORT L Input Pins 

DDRn - Data Direction Register

This register is very simple to operate and is linked to the operation of the corresponding PORT.

Each DDRn bit set to 0 configures the corresponding input pin. Each bit at 1 sets the pin out.

At startup or reset, all pins are input, so as not to send signals unwanted on pines. The bits of DDRn will therefore be set to 0 during each reset.

Example, for PORTB:

37 constant PORTB	\ Port B Data Register 
36 constant DDRB	\ Port B Data Direction Register 
%00000001   DDRB c!     \ set B0 in output mode 
%00000001   PORTB c!    \ activate B0 in high level 


On the ARDUINO card, A port controls 8 pins. Each bit in a port selects a binary state on the corresponding terminal. Example, for PORT B:

bit 76 54 32 10
PORT B7B6 B5B4 B3B2 B1B0
MEGA - pin: 2625 2423 2221 2019
NANO - pin: ---- 1716 1514 1312


Timer/Counter1 Control Register

128 constant TCCR1A	\ Timer/Counter1 Control Register A 
  $c0 constant TCCR1A_COM1A \ Compare Output Mode 1A, bits 
  $30 constant TCCR1A_COM1B \ Compare Output Mode 1B, bits 
  $03 constant TCCR1A_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode 
129 constant TCCR1B	\ Timer/Counter1 Control Register B 
  $80 constant TCCR1B_ICNC1 \ Input Capture 1 Noise Canceler 
  $40 constant TCCR1B_ICES1 \ Input Capture 1 Edge Select 
  $18 constant TCCR1B_WGM1 \ Waveform Generation Mode 
  $07 constant TCCR1B_CS1 \ Prescaler source of Timer/Counter 1 
130 constant TCCR1C	\ Timer/Counter1 Control Register C 
  $80 constant TCCR1C_FOC1A 
  $40 constant TCCR1C_FOC1B 



Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0


Compare Output Mode bits 1/0; These bits control if and how the Compare Output pin is connected to Timer1.

COM1A1 COM1A0 Compare Output Mode
0 0 Disconnect Pin OC1 from Timer/Counter 1
0 1 Toggle OC1 on compare match
1 0 Clear OC1 on compare match
1 1 Set OC1 on compare match


Pulse Width Modulator select bits; These bits select if Timer1 is a PWM and it's resolution from 8 to 10 bits:

WGM11 WGM10 PWM Mode
0 0 PWM operation disabled
0 1 Timer/Counter 1 is an 8-bit PWM
1 0 Timer/Counter 1 is a 9-bit PWM
1 1 Timer/Counter 1 is a 10-bit PWM


Bit 7             Bit 0
ICNC1 ICES1 --- --- CTC1 CS12 CS11 CS10


Input Capture Noise Canceler. If set, the Noise Canceler on the ICP pin is activated. It will trigger the input capture after 4 equal samples. The edge to be triggered on is selected by the ICES1 bit.


Input Capture Edge Select;

When cleared, the contents of TCNT1 are transferred to ICR (Input Capture Register) on the falling edge of the ICP pin.

If set, the contents of TCNT1 are transferred on the rising edge of the ICP pin.


Clear Timer/Counter 1 on Compare Match; If set, the TCNT1 register is cleared on compare match. Use this bit to create repeated Interrupts after a certain time, e.g. to handle button debouncing or other frequently occuring events. Timer 1 is also used in normal mode, remember to clear this bit when leaving compare match mode if it was set. Otherwise the timer will never overflow and the timing is corrupted.

CS12 CS11 CS10

Clock Select bits; These three bits control the prescaler of timer/counter 1 and the connection to an external clock on Pin T1.

CS12 CS11 CS10 Mode Description
0 0 0 Stop Timer/Counter 1
0 0 1 No Prescaler (Timer Clock = System Clock)
0 1 0 divide clock by 8
0 1 1 divide clock by 64
1 0 0 divide clock by 256
1 0 1 divide clock by 1024
1 1 0 increment timer 1 on T1 Pin falling edge
1 1 1 increment timer 1 on T1 Pin rising edge

TCCR1C Timer/Counter1 Control Register C

bit 76543210
  FOC1AFOC1B -----------------------------------------

Bit 7 – FOC1A:

Force Output Compare for Channel A

Bit 6 – FOC1B:

Force Output Compare for Channel B

The FOC1A/FOC1B bits are only active when the WGM13:0 bits specifies a non-PWM mode. When writing a logical one to the FOC1A/FOC1B bit, an immediate compare match is forced on the Waveform Generation unit. The OC1A/OC1B output is changed according to its COM1x1:0 bits setting. Note that the FOC1A/FOC1B bits are implemented as strobes. Therefore it is the value present in the COM1x1:0 bits that determine the effect of the forced compare.

A FOC1A/FOC1B strobe will not generate any interrupt nor will it clear the timer in Clear Timer on Compare match (CTC) mode using OCR1A as TOP. The FOC1A/FOC1B bits are always read as zero.



TWCR (TWI Conrol Register)

bit 76543210
read/write R/WR/WR/WR/W RR/WRR/W
initial value 00000000

Timer Counter 1

111 constant TIMSK1	\ Timer/Counter Interrupt Mask Register 
  $20 constant TIMSK1_ICIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Interrupt Enable 
  $04 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1B \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareB Match Interrupt Enable 
  $02 constant TIMSK1_OCIE1A \ Timer/Counter1 Output CompareA Match Interrupt Enable 
  $01 constant TIMSK1_TOIE1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Interrupt Enable 
54 constant TIFR1	\ Timer/Counter Interrupt Flag register 
  $20 constant TIFR1_ICF1 \ Input Capture Flag 1 
  $04 constant TIFR1_OCF1B \ Output Compare Flag 1B 
  $02 constant TIFR1_OCF1A \ Output Compare Flag 1A 
  $01 constant TIFR1_TOV1 \ Timer/Counter1 Overflow Flag 
132 constant TCNT1	\ Timer/Counter1  Bytes 
136 constant OCR1A	\ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register  Bytes 
138 constant OCR1B	\ Timer/Counter1 Output Compare Register  Bytes 
134 constant ICR1	\ Timer/Counter1 Input Capture Register  Bytes 
67 constant GTCCR	\ General Timer/Counter Control Register 
  $80 constant GTCCR_TSM \ Timer/Counter Synchronization Mode 
  $01 constant GTCCR_PSRSYNC \ Prescaler Reset Timer/Counter1 and Timer/Counter0 





Registre 16 bits.


Registre 16 bits.


Registre 16 bits.



TCCR2A Timer/Counter2 Control Register A

bit 76543210
COM2A1COM2A0 COM2B1COM2B0 -------------------- WGM21WGM20

TCCR2B Timer/Counter2 Control Register B

bit 76543210
FOC2AFOC2B -------------------- WGM22 CS22CS21 CS20

AD Converter

124 constant ADMUX	\ The ADC multiplexer Selection Register 
  $c0 constant ADMUX_REFS \ Reference Selection Bits 
  $20 constant ADMUX_ADLAR \ Left Adjust Result 
  $0f constant ADMUX_MUX \ Analog Channel and Gain Selection Bits 
120 constant ADC	\ ADC Data Register  Bytes 
122 constant ADCSRA	\ The ADC Control and Status register A 
  $80 constant ADCSRA_ADEN \ ADC Enable 
  $40 constant ADCSRA_ADSC \ ADC Start Conversion 
  $20 constant ADCSRA_ADATE \ ADC  Auto Trigger Enable 
  $10 constant ADCSRA_ADIF \ ADC Interrupt Flag 
  $08 constant ADCSRA_ADIE \ ADC Interrupt Enable 
  $07 constant ADCSRA_ADPS \ ADC  Prescaler Select Bits 
123 constant ADCSRB	\ The ADC Control and Status register B 
  $40 constant ADCSRB_ACME \ 
  $07 constant ADCSRB_ADTS \ ADC Auto Trigger Source bits 
126 constant DIDR0	\ Digital Input Disable Register 
  $20 constant DIDR0_ADC5D \ 
  $10 constant DIDR0_ADC4D \ 
  $08 constant DIDR0_ADC3D \ 
  $04 constant DIDR0_ADC2D \ 
  $02 constant DIDR0_ADC1D \ 
  $01 constant DIDR0_ADC0D \ 

External Interrupts

105 constant EICRA	\ External Interrupt Control Register 
  $0C constant EICRA_ISC1 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 1 Bits 
  $03 constant EICRA_ISC0 \ External Interrupt Sense Control 0 Bits 
61 constant EIMSK	\ External Interrupt Mask Register 
  $03 constant EIMSK_INT \ External Interrupt Request 1 Enable 
60 constant EIFR	\ External Interrupt Flag Register 
  $03 constant EIFR_INTF \ External Interrupt Flags 
104 constant PCICR	\ Pin Change Interrupt Control Register 
  $07 constant PCICR_PCIE \ Pin Change Interrupt Enables 
109 constant PCMSK2	\ Pin Change Mask Register 2 
  $FF constant PCMSK2_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks 
108 constant PCMSK1	\ Pin Change Mask Register 1 
  $7F constant PCMSK1_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks 
107 constant PCMSK0	\ Pin Change Mask Register 0 
  $FF constant PCMSK0_PCINT \ Pin Change Enable Masks 
59 constant GICR	\ Pin Change Interrupt Flag Register 
  $07 constant PCIFR_PCIF \ Pin Change Interrupt Flags 

PCICR - Pin Change Interrupt Control Register

The Pin Change Interrupts are turned on by setting certain bits in the PCICR register as seen below. Bit 0 turns on port B (PCINT0 – PCINT7), bit 1 turns on port C (PCINT8 – PCINT14), and bit 2 turns on port D (PCINT16 – PCINT23).

bit 7654 3210
  ---------------------------------------- ----------PCIE2PCIE1PCIE0
%00000001 PCICR c!    \ turn on port b 
%00000010 PCICR c!    \ turn on port c 
%00000100 PCICR c!    \ turn on port d 
%00000111 PCICR c!    \ turn on all ports 

PCMSK Pin Change Mask Register

bit 7654 3210

GICR General Interrupt Control Register

The GICR Register is used to enable INT0 and INT1 interrupts. These interrupts correspond to the two physical pins PD3 and PD4 respectively. The INT0 is configured to produce low level triggered and INT1 as falling edge triggered interrupt respectively. A counter is increment and displayed when the interrupt occurs.

bit 76543210
  INT1INT0INT2 ------------------------ IVSELIVCE

MCUCR MCU Control Register

The MCUCR register allows us to configure the type of interrupt we need.

bit 76543210

For INT0:

ISC01ISC00 Description
00The low level of INT0 generates an interrupt request
01Any logical change on INT0 generates an interrupt request
10The falling edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request
11The rising edge of INT0 generates an interrupt request


96 constant WDTCSR	\ Watchdog Timer Control Register 
  $80 constant WDTCSR_WDIF \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Flag 
  $40 constant WDTCSR_WDIE \ Watchdog Timeout Interrupt Enable 
  $27 constant WDTCSR_WDP \ Watchdog Timer Prescaler Bits 
  $10 constant WDTCSR_WDCE \ Watchdog Change Enable 
  $08 constant WDTCSR_WDE \ Watch Dog Enable 

Le chien de garde ou Watchdog, est un compteur qui permet de palier au blocage du microcontrôleur. Ce blocage peut être d’ordre logiciel (retour impossible, mis en boucle infinie ou tout simplement erreur de structuration), soit matériel (parasites, chute de tensions) ; dans les deux cas, le blocage du programme peut avoir des conséquences très embêtantes.

WDTCSR Watchdog Timer Control Register

bit 7 bit 6 bit 5 bit 4 bit 3 bit 2 bit 1 bit 0


Sets an interrupt flag but you wont need to worry about this. It is automatically flagged high and low by the system.


Enables Interrupts. This will give you the chance to include one last dying wish (or a few lines of code...) before the board is reset. This is a great way of performing interrupts on a regular interval should the watchdog be configured to not reset on time-out.


This is a safety to enable a configuration mode that will last 4 clock cycles. Set this bit and WDE high before attempting any changes to the watchdog register. There isnʼt really any logic behind this, you just have to set WDCE and WDE to ʻ1ʼ to enter a sort of ʻsetup modeʼ in the watchdog timer.


Enables system reset on time-out. Whenever the Watchdog timer times out the micocontroller will be reset. This is probably what you were all looking for. Set this to ʻ1ʼ to activate.


These four bits determine how long the timer will count for before resetting. The exact time is set by setting combinations of the 4 bits in such a pattern.

WDP3 WDP2 WDP1 WDP0 Time-Out

MCUCR MCU Control Register

bit 7654 3210